Wednesday, August 29, 2007

the new arrival

the wonderful news has reached most everyone by now, but just in case you haven't heard,
keon chase sobhani was born on august 25, 2007. he's a beaufiful baby boy that resembles aliyah a lot when she was a newborn... keon and i came home from the hospital on monday and are getting settled and adjusted. my parents are here in haifa to welcome the new addition to the family and give us much needed help with aliyah. all else is well!

Friday, August 17, 2007

baby sprinkle

so a couple of my good friends have decided that this birth cannot happen without some sort of celebration, so they're hosting a baby sprinkle (a lighter version of a baby shower for women who already have children) next week-end... three days before the due date. :) it's the sweetest thing ever... i'm really looking forward to it and i hope jr will wait for it to happen before coming.

the invitation to the sprinkle is one of the cutest i think i've ever seen (little biased, i know). it was created by my good friend, lucas, designer extraordinaire. honestly he somehow manages to impress me every time. (except for the tiny people on the paths design. but i think i he was trying to experiment and grow in a new direction... so we let it slide)

thanks lu...

Monday, August 06, 2007

sabz and mattie in town

continuation from previous post... :)

the august entry

so the pattern seems to be that i update the blog once a month. could be better, but it's not really that bad... as always, the place to find more of what's happening is on my flickr.

july/august has been the month of hellos and good-byes. three good friends visited and/or left. martha estafanos left haifa after almost four years... she came the same week victor and i did so it was really hard to see her go after all this time. sahba rohani along with sister shiva and brother-in-law nate made a visit to their parents who are serving here and matt cornelius came back after six months in southern africa... he's still here (pics of sabz and matt to come later)... so there's been a lot of catching up and spending quality time...

other great news from july is one of my dearest friends, sisay, got engaged to laurel. they're going to get married in haifa at the beginning of october. you know how families say you don't lose your child when they marry someone, but you gain a child instead? it can also be so true when friends get married. laurel has grown into such a close friend in such a short amount of time.. not only for me, but for aliyah who absolutely adores her. well done sisay. ;)